Test your internet connection
Internet performance can fluctuate based on your internet service provider (ISP), your network, and your computer configuration. You can use the following tools to test your upload and download speeds and to troubleshoot connectivity issues.
Testing upload and download speeds
Although the speed test that is available from the following website can help you identify problems, you might need outside assistance to isolate and correct problems.
The following table includes average speeds for different types of connections. We provide these numbers so you can compare your speed test results to them.
Type of connection | Average speed |
DSL (128k) | 128 kbps |
DSL (256k) | 256 kbps |
Cable / DSL (384k) | 384 kbps |
Cable / DSL (768k) | 768 kbps |
Cable / DSL (1.5Mbps) | 1500 kbps |
Full T-1 | 1544 kbps |
If the speed tests identified a problem, reboot your network router and/or modem, and then run the speed test again. If you do not see an improvement, contact your ISP to determine whether steps such as changing your network hardware or updating your software will correct the problem.