How to set up withholdings

To calculate withholdings accurately, it is important that your company and your client's information are properly set up in OnBalance.

Below is a list of information in OnBalance that is used to calculate withholdings.

Note: The fields that are available in OnBalance will depend on your Tax Schema.

Screen Fields
My Company
  • Tax Schema
  • PIS withholding
  • COFINS withholding
  • CSLL withholding
  • IRRF
  • INSS withholding
  • ISS withholding
  • Hold ISS in same city
  • Type of Entity (Individual or Business)
  • Tax Schema


  • The incorrect setup of this information will generate incorrect withholding calculations. We recommend that you request help from your accountant with setting up your withholdings.
  • With OnBalance, your accountant can easily configure this data for you. Click here to learn how to proceed.