Voucher stages

Issuing registered vouchers requires sending the data of all issued and canceled vouchers to the bank for the purpose of registering that information.

Issuing and canceling vouchers is a process that demands an accurate control of its stages.

In OnBalance, you can always see the stage of a voucher in the following areas:

  • In the Sales screen, where its stage can be seen in the column to the right of Amount Due column.
  • When adding or editing a sale, where its stage can be seen in the Installments & Payments grid in the Status column.

The following table explains the stages of a voucher, how a voucher reaches each of them, and where it can go.

Voucher stage Description Next expected action
ISSUED The initial stage of a voucher, indicating that it was issued by you but not registered at the bank yet. You need to register the vouchers at the bank.
REGISTERING An intermediate stage between issue and register a voucher, indicating that you already downloaded the register file from OnBalance, but it hasn't received a return from the bank yet. You must process the return files from the bank until identify the voucher registration with success.
REGISTERED The step that indicates the voucher was registered at the bank. You must process the return files from the bank until identify the voucher payment.
PAID The final stage, which indicates that the voucher was paid. None.
ATTENTION Indicates there was a problem with the voucher. You must click the ATTENTION link to open the message received related to the problem. See Identify and resolve voucher problems to learn about the possible problems and how to resolve them.
CANCELING An intermediate stage between cancel and register a canceled voucher at the bank. You must process the return files from the bank until identify the voucher cancellation with success.
CANCELED The final stage, which indicates that the voucher was canceled at the bank. None.
ATTENTION Indicates there was a problem with the voucher. You must click the ATTENTION link to open the message received related to the problem. See Identify and resolve voucher problems to learn about the possible problems and how to resolve them.