Register vouchers
OnBalance issues only registered vouchers. It will not issue unregistered vouchers.
The main difference between registered and unregistered vouchers is that for registered vouchers, the company, as the voucher issuer, must register each issued and canceled voucher at the bank.
OnBalance ensures this process as it automatically prepares each issued and canceled voucher to be registered at the bank.
To register issued and canceled vouchers at the bank, follow these steps.
- Open the Sales screen.
Click the Manage Vouchers button.
Note: If you do not see this button, it is because OnBalance is not set up to issue vouchers.
- In the voucher management dialog, click the Send to Bank tab. The dialog shows the issued and canceled vouchers that are ready to be sent to the bank.
- Click the Download button, which will create a file.
- To register all of the issued and canceled vouchers, open the website of your bank and upload the file.
- To find out how to proceed on the bank's website, talk to your Bank Account Manager.
- Depending on your browser configuration, a window will be opened to let you choose a folder to save the file, or the browser will automatically save it in a standard download folder (in Windows, this folder is called Downloads).
- Even after you download the file, the list of issued and canceled vouchers will continue to display the same items until OnBalance receives confirmation from the bank that these vouchers have been successfully registered.