Cancel conventional invoice for services
You may need to cancel an invoice if the invoice has an error (for example, a data error or an incorrect tax calculation), or if the buyer withdraws the sale.
You can cancel an invoice in two ways, depending on how you want to proceed with the related sale.
Cancel the invoice and related sale
In this case, you will cancel the invoice and the related sale.
Note: To cancel an invoice and the related sale, you first need to delete all payments and cancel all vouchers that have been issued through the sale.
- Open the sale that you want to change.
- Click the Cancel Invoice button.
- Confirm the cancellation.
OnBalance will prepare to send this cancellation for your accountant in the daily data export process.
Note: To view canceled sales in the Sales list, mark the View Cancelled Sales checkbox.
Cancel the invoice without canceling the related sale
You can cancel an invoice without canceling the related sale only if the invoice has not yet been exported for your accountant. If the Invoice field is still editable, the invoice has not yet been sent to the accountant. If the field is not editable, you must cancel the related sale before you can cancel the invoice.
- Open the sale that you want to change.
Clear the Invoice checkbox.
Note: If you do not see this field, OnBalance is not yet configured to issue invoices. See Set up invoices for more information.
- Click Save.
After you save the sale, all fields will be enabled, allowing you to make adjustments to reissue the invoice later. However, if some of the fields remain disabled after saving the sale, there are issued vouchers on the sale.