Apply full payments to bills

You can apply payments in two ways to update outstanding bills and keep your records current.


  • If the amount paid is less than the installment amount, the application assumes you are applying a partial payment.
  • Once you apply the first payment, the application disables the # of Installments and Amount Paid fields. You will not be able to change these fields to a lesser number or amount after you apply payments.
  1. Do one of the following in the Bills screen.
    • Click New Bill, and mark the Apply payment checkbox for the installment you want to pay.
    • Select the installment of the bill you want to pay, and click Pay Bill.


    • You can filter bills by date, status, and category in the Bills screen.
    • OnBalance will enter the current date as the date paid.
    • OnBalance will enter the standard financial account in the Paid From field.
  2. Optional: Click Edit payment to edit the payment information you are applying.
    • Change the Date paid.
    • Enter discounts.
    • Enter the paid interests and fines.
    • Change the Financial Account.
    • Set the check number you have used to pay the bill.
    • Change the Amount paid to a lower amount if you want to apply a partial payment.
  3. Click Save to view the payment or to apply another payment, or click Save & Close to close the screen.