Change the next RPS number to be generated
The process for changing the next RPS number to be issued by OnBalance is the same as for defining the initial RPS number. To change the next RPS number, follow these steps.
- Open My Company.
- Select the Invoice tab.
- Click the Invoice Setup button to open the Invoice Setup window.
In the Next RPS Number field, enter the next number to be issued by OnBalance.
If the last RPS number issued by you in a previous application was 276, enter the value 277 in this field.
- Click Save in the Invoice Setup window.
- Click Save in the My Company screen.
- OnBalance will not accept a number less than or equal to the already issued RPS number. If this happens, it means that there is a sale with an RPS number equal to or greater than the chosen number.
- The content of this field will always be updated with each new requested invoice, displaying the next RPS number to be used.
- With OnBalance, your accountant can easily set up this data for you. Click here for more information.