Cancel vouchers
You may need to cancel a voucher if a customer wants to cancel a purchase.
- In OnBalance, you can cancel only vouchers that have not yet been paid.
- You cannot undo the cancellation.
- Normally, canceling already-registered vouchers will incur additional bank fees. Talk to your Bank Account Manager for information about these fees.
- In the Sales screen,
To open the Sales screen, click Sales in the navigation panel.
For more information, see Sales.
Note: You can filter invoices by date and status in the Sales screen.
- In the screen that opens, click the Installments & Payments button. If necessary, scroll down to the Installment & Payments button.
- Click the Cancel Voucher link next to the voucher number.
- Click Confirm.
After confirmation, OnBalance will proceed in one of two ways, depending on whether the voucher was sent to the bank.
- If the voucher was not sent to the bank, OnBalance will just delete the voucher number and consider the voucher canceled.
- If the voucher was already sent to the bank, OnBalance will delete the voucher number but will also put the voucher on the list of canceled vouchers to be registered at the bank. In this case, the voucher will be effectively canceled only after receiving a return from the bank stating that the cancellation has been successfully executed.