
OnBalance allows you to issue registered vouchers for the following banks.

  • Bank of Brazil (CNAB 400)
  • Bradesco (CNAB 400)
  • Caixa Econômica Federal (CNAB 240 e 400)
  • Itaú (CNAB 400)
  • SICOOB (CNAB 240)
  • SICREDI (CNAB 400)

To issue a voucher, your first step is to talk with your Bank Account Manager asking him or her about fees and the quantity of vouchers that your account allows you to issue. During this conversation, keep in mind that OnBalance will be the only solution that will issue and manage the vouchers; you do not need another solution for these purposes. Also take note of the listed data above related with CNABs that OnBalance works, because certainly it is a very important information to talk with your Bank Account Manager.


  • OnBalance does not issue unregistered vouchers.
  • OnBalance allows you to issue vouchers only through a single bank account.
  • You cannot dispute a late payment or non-payment with the bank until the due date.