Send a voucher by email
You can send a voucher by email so that the customer can print the voucher or pay it online.
In the Sales screen, find the installment for which you want to issue a voucher.
Note: You can filter by date and status in the Sales screen.
- Click the Issue Voucher link next to the installment for which you want to issue a voucher.
Note: If you do not see this link, either you have not yet set up OnBalance to issue vouchers, or you have already issued a voucher for the installment.
- In the Issue Voucher dialog, click Print or Send by E-mail.
Enter or change the email address, if necessary.
Note: If you want to change the email address in your records, mark the Save Email checkbox.
- Change the default text of the Subject and Message fields, if desired.
- Click Submit.
- Click the Preview button to view the voucher that OnBalance will send.
- Some browsers may interpret opening the voucher as a popup, blocking the process. If this happens, OnBalance will display a message to let you know the voucher has been blocked from opening and will provide a link to re-open the voucher.
- OnBalance will not immediately send the email but will put the email in a queue to send later. The email process also depends on other factors, such as the receiving queue. Therefore, you can expect a delay between when you send a voucher and when the client receives it.
- If your customer does not receive the email, verify that the email was not sent to a spam or trash folder. To test your email, enter your own email address in the email data window and send the email again. If you receive the email, you should contact your customer and suggest that they may have an issue receiving email.